Christ-centered, people-focused.   This means our worship service is both reverently joyful, as we celebrate Christ, and warm and welcoming, as we practice kindness and hospitality. We believe that Jesus is our Lord and King, and the people he brings us are gifts. (Colossians 1:15-20; Romans 12:9-13)

Biblically based, doctrinally clear.  The Bible is our guide for faith and practice, so our teaching aims to be faithful to an accurate interpretation and relevant to daily life. (2 Timothy 3:15-17)

Grace oriented, not legalistic.  The grace of the gospel is our core motivator. It is the only hope by which we can lead a holy life. Although we will encourage holy obedience and the development of Christian character, we see this as the fruit of our walk with Jesus, not the root of our faith. In other words, we are not saved because we are good, we become good because we are saved by grace. (Ephesians 2:8-10)

A commitment to prayer.  Prayer is our spiritual connection to our Heavenly Father. We long for a church which makes prayer its first rather than its last priority, one in which every corporate and individual need is bathed in fervent prayer. We encourage a variety of prayer times: congregational prayer, small groups, prayer partners, 24-hour prayer rooms, etc. Prayer is vital to our church life, and we invite all to join us. (Matthew 6:5-15)

Authentic leaders who foster unity.  Servant-leaders seek to follow Jesus’ example of sacrificial love. They rely wholly on Christ to consistently live out their faith. Servant-leaders aim to earn people's trust by humble, Spirit-led leadership; demonstrating a shepherd's heart, along with clear communication and intentionality. In accordance with scripture, they will strive to be "hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined." (Titus1:5-9)

Relational small groups.  Christian growth and maturity come from solid teaching coupled with biblical relationships. We will have a stronger, healthier church when people are strong and healthy spiritually. A network of small groups unites us to one another in faith and purpose. (Acts 2:42-47; John 13:34-35)

A commitment to families, children and youth.  Our vision of discipling children, teens and young adults into mature believers means that we value their families and seek to strengthen their parents as well. Three key aspects—Spiritual formation, confidence in the Bible, and involvement in ministry—are important goals which direct our choices about our children’s, youth, and college and career ministries. Our students are not only the church of the future, but an integral part of the church today. (Luke 18:16; 2 Timothy 3:14-15)

Members as ministers.  Each member of the body is necessary to build one another up. Ministry is the hands and feet of our faith, through which people understand that the message of Jesus is trustworthy and that God loves them. We aim to equip people to serve in whatever sphere God directs them to, according to their strengths and spiritual gifts. (Romans 12:3-8)