Missionaries we Support

We believe in the transformative power of the Gospel and are committed to supporting missionaries and outreach efforts that align with our mission to share God’s love and serve others.

We are proud to partner with a number of dedicated missionaries and mission organizations. Each of our partners is carefully selected based on their commitment to spreading the Gospel and their alignment with our values. On this page, you can learn more about our missionary partners, their specific areas of work, and the impact they are making.

  • Ian & Maki Smith

    location: JAPAN

    What he's doing:

    Ian partners with the Japanese Baptist Church Association to make disciples and establish new gospel communities among one of the largest unreached people groups in the world. His particular interest is leadership training and church planting, and he and Maki are partnering with Shirahama Baptist Church Rescue Network, helping people who are desperate and suicidal to find hope and purpose.

    Contact: ians@converge.org

    For more information on the area, click here.

  • Matt & Rebecca Litchfield


    What they're doing: 

    Matt and Rebecca provide regional leadership to CRU campus groups, overseeing 9 colleges in Southeastern Mass and Rhode Island. CRU’s purpose is to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others. Currently, CRU campus ministries are engaging more than 101,000 students and faculty in ministry on U.S. college campuses.
  • John & Karen Ames


    What they’re doing: 

    John and Karen have returned to the mission field to recruit and develop a team of national movement leaders in sub-Saharan Africa in order to strengthen the church and reach the least-reached and unreached peoples of Africa with the Gospel.

    Contact: johna@converge.org

    For more information on the area, click here.

  • Rick & Myla Berry


    What they’re doing: 

    Rick serves as the Thailand Initiative Leader for Converge Worldwide, responsible for “recruiting and training Thai leaders for a Gospel movement among the least-reached people of Thailand in our generation.” He and Myla assist in planting new churches in Bangkok through multiplying the English School ministry model throughout the city.

    Contact: richardb@converge.org

    For more information on the area, click here.

  • Brian & JoAnn Lima


    What they're doing:

    Joanna (Jo) & Brian are serving Pioneers missionaries around the world from their new post in Bangkok, Thailand. Jo has been newly appointed as the Associate International Director of Strategic Operations. As workers are being mobilized to the field from emerging sending gateways around the world (i.e., Egypt, Mexico, etc.) the infrastructure and global ministries (i.e., Arab World Media, Media to Missions, etc.) require continual change to get pace with rapid changes among the global church. Brian is the Research Coordinator for the International Director and tasked with creating a research/resource infrastructure to deepen the theological/missiological reflection at all levels of the organization."

    Contact: limab@protonmail.com

    For more about the area, click here.

  • Bill & Kathy Martin

    location: WEST AFRICA

    What they're doing: 

    Serving as a Converge Initiative Leader, Bill is reaching out to predominantly M_slim university students through teaching English as a foreign language, and engaging students in conversations and bible study. Their vision is to plant a church among West Africa’s unreached peoples.

    Contact: williamm@converge.org

    For more information on the area, click here.

  • Bob & Judy Pardon


    What they're doing: 

    Bob and Judy are engaged in intensive ministry to people who have suffered spiritual abuse in high-control religious groups and cults. They provide counseling and therapy to victims of spiritual abuse, as well as training for churches and national conferences, on how to identify and address this problem.

    Contact: neirr@verizon.net

  • Rachel Wilson

    location: ALBANIA

    What she's doing: 

    Rachel is the founder and head of Spark Ministries, a visionary outreach to the children of Albania. Spark Ministries utilizes a mobile van equipped with multi-media and puppets to do outreach events throughout the villages and cities of Albania, all while training local churches in how to do children’s ministry, and connecting those children to their local church for discipleship. She also operates a summer camp and has a vision to see the gospel spread to the whole nation, multiplying the ministry reach and training local church leaders in the power and effectiveness of children’s ministry.

    Contact: spark.rachelw@gmail.com

    For more information on the area, click here.

  • Your Options Medical


    What they're doing: 

    YOM operates three centers in Massachusetts, as well as a mobile medical clinic to fulfill their life-saving mission:

    Engage with life-honoring services by offering women and couples, especially those considering abortion, the information and free diagnostic services that help them to choose life.

    Embrace with life-saving truth by providing the ultrasound – the visual proof of life and a spiritual discussion that we hope leads to the life-saving knowledge of Jesus.

    Empower with life-changing support by offering parenting classes, material support, help and education they need to be good parents.

    Contact: info@awcprc.org