Thank you for your interest in supporting Dartmouth Bible Church!
At DBC, we believe that giving is an important act of worship.
It is an act of trust in God, and it reminds us that He is the source of everything we have -
we are stewards of all that He has blessed us with.
One aspect of stewardship includes the principle of generosity,
which God honors when done in cheerfulness and faith.
Therefore, we teach "grace giving" - giving that is systematic, sacrificial and cheerful.
Dartmouth Bible can process online donations here through the online platform.
For your information, donations incur a processing fee which you will have the option of covering,
although it is not mandatory in order to give. The fee structure is as follows:
2.9% for VISA/MC, 3.5% for AMEX, and 1% for ACH, (which is a direct bank withdrawal using your bank account information)
We greatly appreciate your support of our ministry, for the furtherance of God's kingdom -
both here and around the world.